Hey everyone! I hope you had a freat weekend!😊
First day of the week! Some of you are on your work right now. As for me, I just had breakfast.🤭
I was thinking the other other day of creating a logo for my name. So, I decided to draw it. My phone has a built in app called Penup where you can draw, or do handletters.
And... tada!

This is inspired from the mic logo. Then, the first letters of my name. S - Stunning, V - voice. If you notice, the lines of the sound waves are not that straight because I cant make a straight line. 😁
Then, I found out that you can make your own logo with Canva. The good thing about this app is that you cab design your own if you dont want to use templates. You can also make cover photos, posters, vouchers, and more.
Here's the final design😊
Well, that's it for today.
I hope this will inspire you to make your own logos too.
Enjoy the rest of the week😉